Hands-on Training Workshop on Plant Tissue Culture Technique
PG Department of Botany organized ‘Hands-on Training Workshop on Plant Tissue Culture Technique’ on 21st & 22nd November 2023 to familiarize fundamental laboratory setup and micropropagation procedure needed for in vitro plant regeneration. The coordinator welcomed the gathering in which thirty-two M.Sc. Botany students participated and experienced the vocational training event. The facilities, requirements, abiotic conditions and protocols needed for a whole plant in vitro regeneration from the explant tissue had been conveyed to the students by the resource person during the first day and prepared the culture media for inoculation process. On 22nd November 2023, the surface sterilized explants inoculated into the media and incubated in the culture room with controlled light and temperature to regenerate plantlets. After providing a clear knowledge on acclimatization and practicing the steps of hardening, the certificates were distributed to the participants and concluded the programme with the vote of thanks delivered by Adila Nasrin, Student Coordinator, Third Semester M.Sc. Botany.