

The governing body of the college is responsible for ensuring the effective management of the institution and for planning its future development.

  • The governing body should act to approve the mission and strategic vision of the institution, long-term academic plans and ensure that these meet the interests of stakeholders, including students, local communities, Government and others representing public interests.
  • The body is formed to monitor institutional performance and quality assurance arrangements which should be, where possible and appropriate, benchmarked against other institutions.
  • Governing bodies ensure compliance with the statutes, ordinances and provisions regulating their institution, including regulations by statutory bodies, such as UGC, as well as regulations laid out by the State government and affiliating university.
  • The governing body should ensure that non-discriminatory systems are in place to provide equality of opportunity for staff members and students.
  • The governing body should actively monitor that the Institution implements the requirements of State and National Governments for reservations of seats and staff positions and provide required administrative to minority groups.
  • The general principle of transparency of the governing body applies that students and staff of the institution should have appropriate access to information about the proceedings of the Governing body. All sorts of agendas of meetings, draft minutes (if cleared by the chair) and the signed minutes of governing body meetings together with the papers considered at meetings should generally be available for inspection by staff and students. There may, however, be matters covered in standing orders where it is necessary to observe confidentiality. Such matters are likely to concern individuals or have commercial sensitivity.



The chair of the Principal of a college has got multifaceted roles to play and to shoulder multilateral responsibilities having characteristics of a patron, custodian, supervisor, administrator, adjudicator, protector, inspirer and so on. As the Academic and Administrative Head of the Institution, the Principal remains liable to follow certain codes of ethics in his conduct as proclaimed by the University Grants Commission (UGC) in tandem with the guidelines framed by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) and the set of prescripts enforced by the Government of Kerala and specified in the Kerala Service Rule and Kerala Education Rule (KSR & KER) and also in the University of Calicut Regulations. These codes of conduct are applicable, in general, for the College Teachers as well as for the Administrator of any organization. Specifics of the salient and significant codes applicable in the conduct of Principal, as perceived and enforced by KAHM Unity Women’s College, are jotted underneath:

  • To uphold and upkeep the ethos of inclusiveness in terms of imparting education in the institution.
  • To protect the collective interest of different sections of the institution so that each and all can perform freely and give their highest for the institution building.
  • To institute, nourish and enforce meeting equal treatment to all the stakeholders in the College so that there remains no scope of any discriminatory and disparate practice at any level within the stretch of the College.
  • To uphold and maintain the essence of social justice for all the stakeholders irrespective of their caste, creed, race, sex, or religious identity as within the framework of Indian Constitution.
  •  To create and maintain an unbiased gender-free atmosphere within the periphery of the College so that all the stakeholders enjoy equal opportunities.
  • To generate and maintain required alertness among all the stakeholder of the College so that the chances of incidents of sexual harassment get ever minimized and ultimately eradicated. (The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace: Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal Act, 2013 will provide the redressal measures of issues related to sexual harassment within the boundary of college campus.)
  • To initiate and propagate the spirit of welfare within all the sections of human resources attached directly or indirectly with the College and hence to build mutual confidence amongst them.
  • To maintain and promote academic activities in the College in all possible avenues already explored and thus encourage exploration of newer avenues for further academic pursuit.
  • To create an environment conducive for research oriented academic parleys and thus promote research activities in the institution to add further to the knowledge pool.
  • To uphold upkeep and enforce discipline in the behavioural manifestation of all the stakeholders of the institution and thus maintain campus-serenity required for academics.
  •  To promote and maintain the practice of extra-curricular activities amongst the students and other human resources of the institution and thus adds to the societal dynamism simile to essence-of-life.
  • To endeavour for the upkeep of tranquility of the region surrounding the College so that academic practices comes to gradual prevalence and only prevail, eventually.
  • To promote and maintain harmonious relationships of the College with the adjoining society in order to ensure spontaneous flourish and prosperity of all the students of the institution.
  • To endeavour and strive for maintaining vibrancy of attitudes of all the stakeholders of the institution and thus to nourish & enhance their capabilities. As the academic head of the institution, the Principal should ensure the existence of an academic environment within the College and should endeavour for its enrichment by encouraging research activities. Thus, the Principal should put best efforts to bring in adequate infrastructural and financial support for the College. The Principal should encourage the faculty members of the Institution to take up research projects, publish research papers, arrange for regular seminars and participate in conference/symposium/workshop/seminars.