The PG department of Home Science organised a one-day bridge course to the newly joined first semester B Sc Family and Community Science students on 2nd August 2023. It was conducted with the aim of helping the students to better understand the expectations of their new academic level and to make a smooth transition into their new programme. Mrs A S Anitha Begum, Associate Professor and Head, introduced Home Science and the various departmental activities to the students. Further, an orientation on the structure of the curriculum, courses offered under the programme, their scope, and career opportunities was given by the faculty members Dr. Annie Ninan, Associate Professor, Ms. Bushaira.V., Assistant Professor (Adhoc), Ms. Shahla Karuthedath, Assistant Professor (Adhoc) and Ms. Loosiya K P, Assistant Professor (Adhoc). Dr. Fousi K, Associate Professor and Head, Dept. of Zoology, and Dr P Jothi, Associate Professor and Head, Dept. of Chemistry, guided the students about the respective complementary courses and their role in strengthening the core. Thus, the bridge course boosted the confidence level of students and encouraged them to develop new skills in their future studies. Dr. N V Fatimathu Zuhara, Assistant Professor and DQAC Convenor and Ms Muhsina, V sem. B Sc FCS and SQAC member jointly coordinated the bridge course.