Talk on the theme “The Roots of Conflicts in the Global South”
On September 29, 2023, the Department of History, Korambayil Ahamed Haji Memorial Unity Women’s College, Manjeri hosted a talk on the theme “The Roots of Conflicts in the Global South” at the CH Auditorium. The opening address was given by Principal Prof. (Dr.) Muhammad Basheer Ummathur, who emphasized the differences between the Global North and the Global South.
Dr. Lirar Pulikkalakath, Assistant Professor, School of International Politics and Relations, Mahatma Gandhi University, delivered an interesting talk on the various causes of conflicts in the Global South. Following the presentation, a discussion session was held, during which Shabeermon M, Head of the Department of History, Dr. Shahina Mol A K, IQAC Coordinator, Mr. Murshid, Head of the Department of Political Science, and Dr. V Hikmathulla, Head of the Department of Malayalam, shared their views on the topic.
The gathering was welcomed by Ms Jaseena C, Coordinator and Assistant Professor of History, and the vote of thanks was delivered by Nafla T. P, student of III year BA History student. The programme was specifically organized for students of the History department.