PARENT-TEACHER ASSOCIATION (PTA) MEETING Fifth Semester B.Sc. Botany (2021-2024 Batch) Academic Year 2023-2024
On 02nd November 2023, PG Department of Botany conducted a PTA meeting for B.Sc. Botany Fifth Semester (2023-2024) students from 2pm – 3.30pm at Botany Lab to get an opportunity to connect the parents with the teachers and discuss about the academic progress of their wards for developing strategies to support their learning ability. Dr. Deepa P., Fifth Semester Class Tutor extended a warm welcome to the gathering and distributed the progress cards that reported the marks of Centralized Internal Examinations to the parents. On that occasion, the tutor shared the overall performance of the entire class by providing a detailed information on theory and practical papers of present and coming semester, attendance, University examination pattern, internal marks, project works, study trips and paper wise class performances. The meeting was mainly focussed on special strategies regarding the preparation for the best performance in the upcoming University examination and also stressed the role of parents and teachers in successful academic future of their wards. The meeting provided an opportunity to the parents to discuss about the study pattern of their wards at home. They shared their worries about the over-usage of mobile phones and suggested to keep them in Department up to the end of the class time, 3.30pm, to impart the attention of students completely in the academic field. Each parent recommended to update the student’s academic performance monthly with them. Twenty-two parents and Department Faculty members participated in the meeting and concluded with the vote of thanks delivered by Mrs. Nahla Zakariya, Assistant Professor