B.Com Computer Application Class PTA Meeting
The class PTA meeting of 5th semester B.Com Computer Application students was held on 2nd November 2023 at 2.00 pm in Room No.107. The meeting was conducted to discuss the performance of 5th semester B.Com Computer Application students following the conduct of centralised internal examinations and to provide suggestions for greater parental involvement in the teaching-learning process. Ms. Shilpa P.K (5th Semester Class Tutor and Assistant Professor Adhoc) led the meeting.
The meeting began with distribution of progress card and a review based on it . The internal examination results discussed give much evidence that though many students have shown commendable progress, there is still much room for improvement for the rest . Joining the meeting the teachers reiterated the need for character formation and personality development among the students. . The importance of regular attendance, active class room participation, and time management was emphasized for enhanced academic success. The meeting proved to be useful as it is convened at the right time when the fifth sem university exam is round the corner .
To promote a more collaborative approach in the teaching – learning process, teachers suggested parents to maintain regular communication with them to stay updated on the progress of their children and also encourage parents to create a conducive study environment at home and monitoring study habits.
Meeting offered a platform for the parents to share their concerns and teachers suggested the ways to address those concerns. The teachers encourage all parents to actively participate in their children’s educational journey and collaborate with the college to ensure their success.