Attended the two-day International seminar on “CULTURAL CROSSROADS: Mapping Diaspora, Transnational Flows and The Fluidity of Knowledge “
7 students of first semester MA from Research and PG Department of English, Unity Women’s College attended the two-day International seminar on “CULTURAL CROSSROADS: Mapping Diaspora, Transnational Flows and The Fluidity of Knowledge ” organised by PSMO College Thirurangadi on the 4th and 5th of December, 2023, to enhance and enrich their academic experience.
The keynote address to the event was by Dr.Enseng Ho, professor of cultural anthropology, Duke University, Durham which gave an insight to the topic ‘Indian Ocean and Asia- Arab Relations’.
The seminar also featured key-talk sessions by Dr. Rajesh James, Dr. Rukhaya Muhammad Kunhi, Dr. Priya K Nair and Dr. Arunlal M. Scholars from various institutions across India actively participated and presented papers on various aspects of Diaspora, cultural kaleidoscope, zionisism, etc. exploring its and contemporary significance.
Highlights of the seminar also include Political Inscription of Refugees, Islamic Resillience in the Diaspora, The lost Generation, Oceanic Sufism etc.