Systematics Planta’: Virtual Seminar Series Talk 1. Flora: A Taxonomic Tool for Plant Identification
Plant Systematics allows for the identification of unknown plant species and their classification by comparing them to known species by analysing the evolutionary relationships in turn provides a comprehensive overview of anatomical and morphological traits. The creation of an idea about the practice of handling the taxonomic literatures in the plant identification process is essential among Botany students who are focusing the Plant Systematic area mentioned in the curriculum. For the purpose, PG Department of Botany organized a talk on ‘Flora: A Taxonomic Tool for Plant Identification’ as part of the virtual seminar series ‘Systematics Planta’ on 03rd November 2023 through google meet at 8 pm. The programme coordinated by Dr. Deepa P., Assistant Professor Adhoc, PG Department of Botany and Jumanath K.C. of Third Semester M.Sc. Botany. The session was successfully handled by Ms. Drisya V., Research Scholar, Angiosperm Taxonomic Division, Department of Botany, University of Calicut. She delivered a detailed talk about the role of taxonomic literatures including Flora, Revision and Monograph in plant identification process on the basis of Poaceae members which are the advanced taxa among the flowering plants. M.Sc. Botany and Fifth Semester B.Sc. Botany students were interestingly participated in the meet to enrich their plant identification potential which is the basic step of every plant research project, and clarified the doubts regarding the research opportunities in Plant Systematic area.