Algen 2023: Algal Collection Trip to Thikkodi, Kozhikode
Algae, a diverse group of simple, plant-like organisms that range in size from microscopic single cells to giant seaweeds, play a variety of important roles in the environment and in human society. To understand more about the marine algal diversity, PG Department of Botany conducted an algal collection trip to Thikkodi, Kozhikode on 11th November 2023 for First Semester M.Sc. Botany students. The trip was coordinated by Dr. Usman A. (Head & Assistant Professor), Nehla Zakarya (Assistant Professor Adhoc) and Jumana K. (First Semester M.Sc. Botany) of the Botany Department. As part of the experiential learning, the students collected various marine algae including Caulerpa racemosa, Caulerpa taxifolia, Ulva sp., Padina sp., Gracillaria sp. and Surgassum sp. for preservation and herbaria preparation. The field trip helped them to identify and study the characteristic features of different algae mentioned in the curriculum.