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NSS Special Camp 'Punarjani' - Session 20:  Sukrthakeralam Project - Wall Painting

  • 23 Dec / 2024

NSS Special Camp 'Punarjani' - Session 20:  Sukrthakeralam Project - Wall Painting

On the fifth day of NSS 7 day residential camp, the volunteers undertook an exciting and creative task as part of the Sukrthakeralam project. The day's activity focused on painting the school wall, transforming it into a vibrant and educational mural.

Under the leadership of Fathima Rifa, Thahaniya, and Sreerudra, a dedicated team of 12 volunteers worked tirelessly on these walls . The mural featured an intricate Indian map and a detailed Kerala map, along with numerous characters from popular children's textbooks.

The volunteers displayed exceptional teamwork, creativity, and dedication throughout the day. The final result was a beautifully painted wall that captured the essence of our culture and the joy of childhood, serving as a testament to the hard work and unity of our NSS team.

This activity not only beautified the school premises but also fostered a sense of pride and accomplishment among the volunteers.