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NSS Special Camp 'Punarjani' - Session 17: Folk Games and Health

  • 23 Dec / 2024

NSS Special Camp 'Punarjani' - Session 17: Folk Games and Health

On the fourth day of the NSS 7-day residential camp, a session focusing on Folk Games and Health was conducted by Mr. Muhammed Ismail, a Physical Education Teacher from GUP School, Irumbuzhi. The session took place at Club 7 Turf, Veembur, and began at 4:30 PM.

Mr. Muhammed Ismail PP started the session with an informative talk about the importance of maintaining good health. He emphasized the benefits of regular physical activity and encouraged the volunteers to adopt healthy habits to improve their overall well-being.

Following the introductory talk, the session moved on to a series of engaging games like Ball Touch, Pick the Ball, Number group etc, engaging all volunteers wholly.

The volunteers actively participated in all the games, showing great enthusiasm and sportsmanship. The session concluded with the volunteers feeling energised and more aware of the importance of physical fitness.