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NSS Special Camp 'Punarjani' - Session 16: Tuberculosis; Everything you need to know

  • 22 Dec / 2024

NSS Special Camp 'Punarjani' - Session 16: Tuberculosis; Everything you need to know

On the fourth day of the NSS 7-day residential camp, a comprehensive session on “Tuberculosis; Everything you need to know” was conducted. The session was taken by Dr. Fabida, Senior Supervisor at the district TB centre in Manjeri, as the resource person.

The event began with a warm welcome by a volunteer, Fathima Janna PP. Dr. Fabida, then delivered an insightful and informative presentation on tuberculosis, covering its causes, symptoms, treatment, and prevention. The session was highly educational, providing the volunteers with essential knowledge about this critical public health issue.

Following the session, a quiz competition on “Knowledge about Tuberculosis” was conducted by their team members Mr. Thasneem and Ms. Ashima. The quiz was designed to test the depth of the knowledge volunteers had about tuberculosis before the comprehensive session. The volunteers actively participated, showcasing their understanding and enthusiasm for the topic.

At the end of the event, Sreerudra delivered a heartfelt vote of thanks, expressing gratitude to Dr. Fabida and the organizing team for their efforts in raising awareness about tuberculosis. Ms. Dilna, NSS volunteer then provided feedback about the session, praising its informative nature and the engaging manner in which the information was presented.