

An HIV/AIDS awareness van campaign was conducted on 17th August 2024 at Manjeri Kacheripadi IGBT bus stand in collaboration with KSRTC, under the auspices of the IEC wing of the Kerala State AIDS Control Society, in association with Safety Projects and District Community Networks. This program aims to fulfil the social responsibility of controlling new infections and preventing the isolation of HIV-infected individuals from the community. The ultimate goal is to make Kerala AIDS-free before 2025 and the entire nation before 2030.

The program began with a welcome speech by Mr. Ahammed Rinoos. V, Project Manager, Malappuram District Panchayat Suraksha Composite Project. Mr. Shareef (MDNP+) delivered the presidential address, explaining AIDS, its causes, prevalence, and control measures. Ms. Subaida. VM, Municipal Chairperson, Manjeri Municipality, inaugurated the program and emphasized its importance among students. Felicitations were given by the Fire and Rescue Officer, Manjeri, Mr. Shafeeq (Councilor, OST Medical College, Manjeri), Mr. Ragesh. C (Counsellor, DSRC Manjeri), Mr. Sirajul Haque CP (Counsellor, ICTC Medical College, Manjeri), and Lt. Loosiya. KP, Associate NCC Officer. The program concluded with a vote of thanks by Mr. Mohammed Rafi. P (ORW Malappuram District Panchayat Suraksha Composite Project).

A total of 19 NCC Cadets participated, with 2 cadets undergoing HIV free testing as part of the campaign. The program was coordinated by ANO Lt. Loosiya. KP and CPL Fidha Gafoor (V Sem BSc Chemistry).