psychology lab

The Department of Psychology boasts a well-equipped psychology laboratory, designed to facilitate cognitive and psychophysical assessments. This purpose-built space enables students to collect data from human participants using various assessment tools, honing their skills in psychological testing methods.

The laboratory is equipped with an array of instruments and tests, catering to experiments in intelligence, attention, perception, emotions, memory, sensory motor processing, and more. Students receive hands-on training in administering, scoring, and interpreting psychological tests, sparking their interest and deepening their understanding of psychological assessments.

Some of the key assessments and tests conducted in the laboratory include:

- Intelligence Quotient (IQ) tests, such as Ravens Standard Progressive Matrices and Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Test
- Personality assessments, including Eysenck Personality Test and Cattel's 16 PF Test
- Career Maturity Inventory (CMI) to evaluate career development readiness
- Student Stress Scale to assess stress levels in various aspects of life
- Attention tests to evaluate attention span, behavioral alterations, and response time
- Trial and Error learning tests to assess learning skills, problem-solving abilities, and memory