

Green Campus initiatives of the institution are meant to create awareness among the younger generation of the disastrous consequences of climatic change due to human intervention in natural resource depletion; to promote sustainable development; and to decipher methods to tackle the ongoing situation and avoid further catastrophe.


  1. Safeguard the bio diversity inside the campus.
  2. Replenish the ground water resource through effective scientific intervention.
  3. Reduce chemical poisoning of the edible plant products by promoting organic farming.
  4. Effectively manage bio degradable and non-biodegradable waste inside the campus.
  5. Create a plastic free environment.
  6. To minimize water, air and soil pollution.


  1. Rain water harvesting using a tank of 12 lakh litres volume , Open Well Recharging System using indigenous coconut husk technology, water recycling system to reuse waste water etc. are implemented to  avoid wastage of water.
  2. Maintenance of an Aquatic Bio Park, Bio Diversity Park etc. to conserve endangered species.
  3. Bird feeding centre is maintained to attract and conserve the bird species of the locality, and to impart knowledge about various species to students.
  4. Labelling of plant species with QR coding is done to create awareness about the bio diversity.
  5. Insecticide free Poly House Farming of vegetable crops with the involvement of students, Mushroom cultivation workshop, Vermicomposting etc. are done to promote organic farming.
  6. The campus is made Plastic free. NSS volunteers its maintenance as a plastic free campus. Joining hands with The Clean Manjeri Scheme of Manjeri Muncipality we expect to remove all plastic wastes from the campus and nearby areas.
  7. Incinerators are provided in all bathroom units in the campus and hostel.
  8. Awareness class on the need for bio conservation is given to the students, staff and the localities by NSS and NCC.
  9. Entry of Vehicles other than that of the staff and students is restricted to limit pollution.
  10.  Proper waste management in campus and hostel is ensured.