Workshop on Mushroom cultivation

Workshop on Mushroom cultivation (2020-2021)

Incubation Centre Inauguration And Workshop On Mushroom Cultivation

The workshop on mushroom cultivation is organized by the PG Department of Botany, KAHM Unity women’s College, Manjeri on 20.03.2021 in collaboration with Manjeri Municipality at PG Department of Botany, KAHM Unity women’s College, Manjeri. The workshop is organized as a Community Development Programme. The Incubation centre, PG Department of Botany was also inaugurated by Abdul Ali, Manager, Unity Women’s College, Manjeri.The workshop was well-attended by the students, teachers in the field of botany and Kudumbashree unit of Ward 47, Manjeri Municipality. About 72 participants were participated in the programme. The programmewas coordinated by Dr.Faseela P.,


Assistant Professor, P.G. Department of Botany. The workshop started at 10 a.m. and the welcome speech was delivered by Dr.Usman A (HOD PG Department of Botany). Dr. C. Saidalavi (Principal KAHM Unity Women’s College) gave the presidential address. The presentation and demonstration was done by chief guest Mr.Biju, Mullampara. The final session was a vote of thanks done by Dr.Faseela P (Assistant Professor, Department of Botany) and the workshop ended at 2.00 pm.



Workshop on Mushroom cultivation (2021-2022)

P.G. Department of Botany conducted one day workshop on hands on training in mushroom cultivation for plus one students of C.H.M.K.M. H.S.S Kavanur, Irivetty on 22nd March, 2022. It was very successful and students built a capability to cultivate mushrooms themselves. About 50 plus two science students were participated and they were attended very enthusiastically in the programme and the demonstration was done by Dr. Usman A., HOD, P.G. Department of Botany.





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