Manjeri: In connection with international women’s day on 8 March 2023, the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of the college, in association with Department of Physical Education, NCC and NSS organised Unity girls’ Bikeathon- two wheeler rally from the college to Manjeri town, and then the riders assembled at Municipal office, Manjeri for official program.

Rally started with the flag off by Dr. Muhammed Basheer Ummathur, the Principal of the institution. The official inauguration of International Women’s day celebration was held at the municipal office , Manjeri, with the inaugural address of Ms. VM Subaida, honourable chairperson of Manjeri Municipality. In the program chaired by principal, Manjeri Municipal Education standing committee chairman Mr TM Nasar , Manager Engineer O. Abdul Ali, Standing Committee Chairman ( Health) , Mr. Marunnan Muhammed, NSS Programme officer Dr V. Hikmathulla, NCC officer Ms. Loosiya and NSS volunteer Ms.Nandana Das felicitated. Dr A. K Shahina Mol ,IQAC Coordinator welcomed the gathering and Mr Hamraz Ahammed, Head, Department of Physical Education expressed the vote of thanks.

NSS volunteers and NCC cadets were the bike riders.Along with them Dr. Shahina Mol A.K and Ms. Loosiya , faculty members of the institution, also accompanied on two wheelers to inspire the riders.

Municipal Chairperson, Ms VM Subaida insisted on the importance of upskilling girls and women for facing the life in her inaugural address.

Unity Girls’ Bikeathon


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