SYLVIE Association, Department of Botany

SYLVIE Association, Department of Botany, KAHM Unity Women’s College organized a quiz competition to commemorate ‘Chingam 1-Karshaka Dinam’ (Farmer’s Day) on 17th August 2023. The event saw enthusiastic participation from students, who showcased their knowledge and interest in agriculture and related topics. The quiz competition aimed to highlight the significance of ‘Chingam 1-Karshaka Dinam’, a day dedicated to farmers and agriculture in Kerala. The quiz encompassed various aspects, including traditional farming methods, crop diversity, rural livelihoods, and the impact of agriculture on the environment. The first place scored by Ms. Fathima Noora (3rd sem BSc Botany) and second place by Ms. Devi (1st sem BSc Botany). The program was coordinated by Dr. Faseela P, Assistant Professor, Dept of Botany, Ms. Shaharban C (Association Secretary) and Ms. Fathima Liya K (3rd Sem BSc Botany).


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