Quit India Movement Day-Talk

8th August 2023——————————————- The NCC Army Wing observed Quit India Movement Day on August 8, 2023. Quit India Movement Day is observed annually to pay tribute to the efforts and dedication of freedom fighters in India who participated in the Quit India Movement launched by Mahatma Gandhi on August 8, 1942. Lt. Loosiya KP, Associate NCC Officer, delivered the welcome speech for the program. The program was inaugurated by Mrs. A.S. Anitha Begum, Principal in Charge, Head, and Associate Professor, PG Dept. Of Home Science. She spoke about the importance of the Quit India Movement, the struggle that the freedom fighters have made to make India free from British rule, and how the new generation should understand the value of freedom and the struggles that have been made for it. The resource person for the program was Ms. Shahabas Banu. CK, NCC Alumna (2018–2021). She gave an explicit idea about the movement, and the presentation was explained by showing the video about the Quit India movement, which was inspiring and explained how much effort was put in to be free as a country. The vote of thanks was given by UO Shana Buhaisa P (5th Sem BSc Computer Science) and CDT Hasna M (3rd Sem BSc Botany) gave feedback about the program.

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