Independence day celebration at Narukara LP School.

Our NSS unit (008 &171) held an independence day celebration on 15th August at Narukara L.P School. 20 volunteers participated in this occasion. The programme started on 10 AM. After the raising the flag We conducted different games for students of different classes which enhances their knowledge about our nation and our greatest freedom fighters. ‘Identify the great Personalities’ was the game conducted for 3rd and 4th standard students.Abinanth,Subishri and Fathima sajva-V.P got 1st , 2nd & 3rd prizes. Drawing a picture of Flag and colouring was the game conducted for pre-primary , 1st and 2nd standard students. Volunteers teached the students how to draw a flag and color it then we took a first prize from each classes. Alina, Adi nidhan and Sana got first prizes from respective classes. During the programme we interacted with students , gave an open stage to show their talents and told them some pieces of history of freedom fighting in India. It was great experience we have ever got. We got to share what we know about our country to some of up coming generation.

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