Use of Mobile Phone is strictly prohibited in the campus
Students shall behave with dignity and courtesy inside and outside the college.
Students shall observe strict modesty in dress
Students shall always carry identity cards with them.
No meeting of any kind shall be organized or any sort of fund is to be collected without the permission of the Principal.
Students shall not indulge in any kind of misdemeanour bringing opprobrium to the institution.
Students shall not entertain visitors without prior permission.
Prescribed uniform is compulsory for the students in all working days.
Government has made it clear that ragging in any forms should be sternly and effectively prevented. Whenever a criminal offence is committed in the name of ragging whether within the campus of an educational institution or in a hostel or otherwise, the principal or warden will report the nearest Police Station and not wait until a complaint in this regard is received from the person affected. Appropriate disciplinary action will also be taken against the culprits.
Fees & Attendance Rules
Students who do not enjoy fee concession shall remit the fees, which will be collected in the office, in 2 terms on the days noted in the calendar and also as notified from time to time.
Fee will be received in the college office only on the specified collection days from 9.30 am to 3.00 pm
If the fees and fine, if any are not paid within 15 days of due date, the name of the students will be removed from the college rolls and the student will not get the benefit of attendance.
No student shall be absent from class without leave.
Students absenting themselves without leave for ten consecutive working days will be struck off the rolls.
Application for leave in the specified format (available in college co- operative store) shall be forwarded to the principal through the class tutor and HOD.
The attendance progress certificate (APC) required for appearing in University examinations will not be granted unless the principal is satisfied with the attendance, conduct and progress of the student.
Monthly club activity: Each Student and faculty of the college is member of one of the clubs and monthly club activities are organised in the last period of first Tuesday during every month. club membership is mandatory.
Library Rules
Working Hours : The Library is keeps open on all working days from 9.00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m
Library users must enter their borrower No. at the time of check-in and check out.
Strict discipline and silence shall be observed in the Library.
Membership of the library is extended to all students of the College. The number of books issued to a PG student at a time will not be more than five and that to a UG student will not be more than three.
For availing this facility the students will have to submit an application in the prescribed form.
They are entitled to borrow books on the production of identity card.
Loss of identity card should be intimated to the librarian immediately in writing. A fine of Rs.70/- will be levied for each card lost. Due date is 14 days from the date of issue. They can be renewed for a period of 14days, if no one else has reserved for the same. If the books are not returned on or before the due date, a fine of 1 rupee per day per book will have to be remitted.
Absence from the college will not be accepted as an excuse for delay in returning the books.
If a book is lost, it can be replaced by a copy of same edition. If it is not done within the due date, 4 times the cost of the book and overdue charge have to be paid.
Those who borrow books from the library are requested to examine them carefully and report damages if any to the Library assistant. The borrower will be held responsible for any damage found at the time of returning the books other than the damages already reported.
The librarian reserves the right to recall at any time any book issued from the library.
Personal belongings should be kept in the property counter.
Books, journals and all other library materials should be handled with care, preserving them for future generations.
Contact library staff in case any help is needed in using the library and in locating books.
Ear marking, tracing, underlining and writing in books should be avoided.
Hall tickets for university examinations and transfer certificate will be issued only after clearing all the dues to the library.
The members of teaching staff are allowed to borrow ten books and non-teaching staffs are allowed to borrow 3 books at a time, due date is 30 days from the date of issue
A member of staff who takes leave for more than one month must return all the books borrowed from library before proceeding on leave.
Students and staff are directed to carry their identity cards while visiting the library.
Hostel Rules
Application for hostel admission shall be in the prescribed form available at the College Office. Admission will be offered to the available seats considering the academic merit and need of the applicant.
Inmates shall adhere to the routine schedule & rules in the hostel issued by Dy. Warden/ Hostel Matron.
Students themselves shall be responsible for all their valuables and other personal belongings and shall avoid wearing costly gold ornaments.
Inmates should get permission from the Matron before leaving the hostel premises. They shall reach the hostel before 6.00 pm. after the classes in the normal working days.
Inmates shall not allow or entertain outsiders to enter the hostel without prior permission.
Students will be allowed to go home during holidays & vacations with their Parent/ Guardian/ Authorised person, who should produce identity card in turn while taking the ward from the hostel, issued by the Principal. However in special cases /occasions a written request to the Principal from Parent/ Guardian will be honoured and an inmate may be permitted to go home alone or with other neighbouring students.
Inmates shall submit their leave at the college during illness through the Dy. Warden/ Matron.
No fund shall be collected or meeting organised in the hostel without previous consent of the warden.
Mess dues will be published on the first week of every month and inmates shall remit the dues before 15th of every month without fine.
Principal as the Chief Warden reserves the right to dismiss a student from the hostel on specific reasons noted or reported.
College Rules: Issue Of Certificates
The University shall issue to the students’ grade/marks card (by online) on completion of each semester, which shall contain the following information:
Name of University
Name of College
Title of UG Programme
Semester concerned
Name and Register Number of student
Code number, Title and Credits of each Course opted in the semester
Letter grade in each course in the semester
The total credits, total credit points and SGPA in the Semester (corrected to three decimal places)
The final Grade card issued at the end of the final semester shall contain the details of all courses taken during the entire programme including those taken over and above the prescribed minimum credits for obtaining the degree. The final grade card shall show CGPA (corrected to three decimal places), percentage of marks (corrected to two decimal places) and the overall letter grade of a student for the entire programme.
The final grade card shall also include the CGPA and percentage of marks of common courses, core courses, complementary courses and open courses separately. This is to be done in a 10- point indirect scale. The final Grade card also contains the list of Audit courses passed and the details of Extra credits.