College Day Celebration

On 6th March, 2023, Erica Students’ Union of Korambayil Ahamed Haji Memorial Unity Women’s College, Manjeri organised it’s annual day programme that was held in the college auditorium. The college day was inaugurated by the Chief Guest, Malappuram Muncipal Chairman Mr. Mujeeb Khaderi. He opined that Unity Women’s college stood as a lighthouse in the firmament of women education and women empowerment. The inaugural speech was followed by the presentation of the annual report by the Principal, Dr. Muhammed Basheer Ummathur. Aswathi P, General Secretary presented the Union Report. Erica Students union Chairperson Ms. Aneesa Minnath Bheevi gave the presidential address. A token of honour was presented to those who would retire from the service this academic year including Mr. Sayyid Basheer Hussain Thangal (Librarian), Mr. Sulaiman T.K. (Office staff) and Ms. Ramla T.P. (Office staff). Staff Advisor, Dr. Annie Ninan, P.T.A. Representative Mr. Mustafa Manjeri too spoke during the occasion. Prizes for various events were also given away during the programme. Ms. Fathima Thasni K. (First Degree Representative) welcomed the gathering and Ms. Fathima Safa C.M. (Fine Arts Secretary) delivered the vote of thanks. The official inaugural session was followed by various cultural programmes organised by the students. The special programmes included the marvellous performances by violinist Mr. Gokul and dancer Mr. Zaviox on the stage

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