Bridge Course – Department of Psychology

The Department of Psychology at KAHM Unity Women’s Collge, Manjeri organized a comprehensive Bridge Course for the first-year BSc Psychology students on 2nd August 2023 at B202. The main objective of the bridge course was to provide an orientation and foundational understanding of key subjects related to psychology and university regulations. The course aimed to equip the students with the necessary knowledge and skills required to excel in their academic journey and succeed in their psychology degree program.

The bridge course employed a mix of teaching methodologies to enhance student engagement and understanding. Lectures, interactive discussions and Q&A sessions was conducted by each faculty to encourage active participation. Ms Fathima Shirin (HOD, Department of Psychology) briefly introduced the field of psychology and explained the examination and academic regulations of Calicut University. Ms Thasneem Rahamathulla (Assistant Professor Adhoc) provided students with a foundational understanding of human physiology, emphasizing its connections with psychological processes. Ms Farsana M (Assistant Professor Adhoc, Department of Maths) introduced students to basic statistical concepts essential for conducting psychological research and interpreting data. Students, Dilsha(Third year BSc Psychology) and Salima (SQAC) provided an overview of the department, the academic and extracurricular activities, student clubs, research opportunities, and counselling services, thereby fostering a sense of belonging and encouragement to participate.

Overall, the bridge course proved to be highly beneficial in preparing them for their academic journey. It provided a solid foundation in the core subjects, instilling confidence and enthusiasm among the students. The department’s dedication to nurturing students’ potential and fostering a passion for psychology was evident throughout the course. The successful completion of the bridge course marked the beginning of an exciting academic year for the first-year BSc Psychology students


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