As part of the state government’s anti-drug campaign, Laharimukta Keralam scheme, NSS and NCC of Unity Women’s College,Manjeri organized a flash mob, mime and cycle rally with anti-drug messages under the auspices of Shraddha, Nerkutam and the Dance Club. The Programme was inaugurated by the Municipal Education Standing Committee Chairman T.M. Nasser. Dr. K. Deepa, Dr. Poornima R., Dr. V. Hikmatullah, Dr. V.C. Jasna, Ms. Loosiya K.P. and Dr. Geethika felicitated in the function. Flash Mob was lead by Keertana and Henna Rose, the President and Vice President of the Dance Club and mime was performed under C.P. Rashika Parveen and Farzana. NSS secretaries Shahrban, Fatima Fida, Shifna Karim, Fida, NCC Under Officer P.K. Ayesha Anaina gave leadership for the anti drug campaign.