Alumni Lecture series -8 on “Introduction To Angular Framework” 

PG department of computer science organized a session on the  topic  “Introduction To Angular Framework”  as part of  the monthly Alumni Lecture series program. The session was held on  9th April 2023 at 1:00 pm via Google meet platform. Mrs. Faseela P(Senior Systems Engineer, Infosys Pvt Ltd),2015-18  B.Sc.Computer Science Alumnus  was the resource person. Mr Rahib B(Head, Dept.of Computer Science) was officially inaugurated the program.Mrs. Jashira.P (Asst.Professor Adhoc, P.G. Dept. of Computer Science)  delivered the welcome speech. She explained about different features of Angular, its architecture and  building blocks of Angular application etc . Computer Science department faculties and students  were participated in the program. The program was ended with the vote of thanks by  Ms. Nishana Sherin(2nd   Semester MSc CS).


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